Why I Recommend Using the Start Today Journal in the Morning Instead of Night xyz

The Start Today community is made up of amazing people writing down their dreams and manifesting them into reality. For the #Next90Challenge, we’ll be sharing an inspiring story from everyday people in our community about how they use the Start Today Journal and how it’s changed their life! We hope reading these stories encourages YOU in your journey to reach your big goals. To learn more about the #Next90Challenge, click here!

Why I Recommend Using the Start Today Journal in the Morning Instead of Night - StartToday.com

Today we're featuring Sarah, a wedding photographer from Saratoga Springs, New York. She used the journal to find joy and work towards her goal of becoming debt-free! See what she has to say about using the journal below:

How long have you used the Start Today Journal? 

My best friend bought Girl, Wash Your Face for me a little over a year ago. After I read that, I felt the desire to grow and be more! When the new line of journals came out and I saw the palm tree design, I decided to buy one! Funnily enough, my same friend bought me the journal at the same time, so I have two! And another one from RISE x Ft. Myers!

How has the Start Today Journal changed your life?

I am a much more intentional person since starting the journal. I wake up earlier, eat better, and work out consistently. I START my day with joy from practicing gratitude. Who doesn't want to start off their morning joyfully?!

Have you crossed any goals off in your Start Today Journal?

Two goals I have crossed out are "I am a Financial Peace Coordinator" and "I am beautiful".

My husband and I took FPU a few years ago and paid off $35,000 of debt in 11 months. Our life is forever changed since taking the class and becoming debt-free. We decided that we wanted to pay it forward and inspire others to get out of debt as well. It has been the biggest blessing to see others strive to get out of debt and be inspired by our journey.

I crossed off "I am beautiful" after I attending RISE Ft. Myers in January. We learned at the conference that we are beautiful just as we are. My body is a gift, and I want to treat it well. Every time I look in the mirror, I tell myself something great about my body. I have never felt more beautiful in my life and that is thanks to the wisdom I received at RISE Conference.*

*From our stage to your living room, RISExLIVE is coming soon! Sign up to receive more info here.

What's something surprising you've found since using the Start Today Journal?

When I started the journal, I was writing in it at night. After RISE Conference, I did the practice exactly how it was meant to be done. I accomplish SO much more during the day doing it right when I wake up. I've also noticed that it's very helpful for my anxiety.

When I wake up and I had bad anxiety from the day before, starting my new day with positivity and gratitude helps me feel like everything is going to be okay.

Who would you recommend the journal to?

I would recommend the Start Today Journal to anyone who doesn't want to get out of bed in the morning to face the day. That was me. I used to sleep in late and be super sluggish in the morning. Now I wake up at 5 AM every day, make a cup of tea, and settle in with a good blanket and my Start Today Journal. I choose joy every morning and that feels amazing!

Thanks so much to Sarah who generously shared her experience with us! Share yours with us by using #STJDreamCatcher in your photos on Instagram or submit your story to us to be featured on the blog!

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